Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Katie-bug is still on the vent and fighting her infection. Her incision site is still quite red and angry looking and this morning they noticed some puss coming from the top of the incision. So, they removed the top 3 stiches from her chest, allowed the puss to drain, and have packed the wound. They are still giving her antibiotics to help her fight the infection. There is a possibility that it may be a staph infection, but they will not know until her wound cultures come back. Right now she is on broad spectrum antibiotics and when the cultures come back, they can switch her to an antibiotic that is more specific. There is also some arithmia with her heartbeat since she went back on the vent, but the docs are just keeping an eye on it for now. It was unbelievably worrisome yesterday to see her back on the vent and completely sedated again. Today is slightly better, they have weaned her back off the epi and weaned her sedation back down so she is at least waking up, getting fussy, and settling back down again. It is encouraging to see her acting like a fighter again.

"Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer." Psalms 4:1

We pray for mercy for our little one, that God helps her to fight off her infection and to heal up. We pray for His will in her life, so that His name may be glorified. We also pray for strength, for her and for us. It is incredibly painful to watch her go through so much.


  1. Chuck and I are praying for you and especially Miss Katherine. She is so strong and a fighter for sure. Kristan and Michael you are doing a great job and she is so lucky to have such amazing, strong parents.

  2. Prayers all the day through for each of you!! Your church family had prayers for you all this morning. Katherine is a fighter and God is there healing her little body!!
    We hope that the day brings great progress and that you two have time to celebrate your anniversary as a family. May God bless you with a Happy Anniversary and a day of strenght & healing!!
    Prayers will continue for all. Thank you for allowing us to pray you through this journey!! Each update gives us daily specific prayers & praises to take before the Lord.
    Love & Prayers,
    Tammy & Carl

  3. Kristan and Michael,
    Your church family is praying for you and little Katherine. She does sounds like fighter for sure. I pray for the infection to go away quickly and that she can get some comfortable rest. There's no telling how many wonderful ways that God has been ministering to her sweet heart over these past weeks in ways we can't even see or understand but I know He's right there with her holding her through all of this, and the two of you as well. I pray you find strength and comfort in that truth.
    He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will rest under the shadow of the Almighty.
    Psalm 91:1
    We love you,
