Friday, February 24, 2012

OB Appointments 2/20 and 2/24

Well when I went to the OB on Monday (2/20), the doctor said that I still wasn't dialated any and that he wanted me to come back today (Friday). He said that if I was still about the same, that I would need to go in Sunday night instead of waiting until Monday (2/27) morning.


We went to our appointment today and the doctor who saw us today said that I was already 1 cm dialated!!! How exciting! She still wants us to go in Sunday night instead of waiting until Monday, which we prefer. I can't imagine trying to sleep at home Sunday night knowing that I will be induced in the morning.

Also, my mom is flying in tomorrow afternoon so that she will be able to be here for Katherine's birth. I am so glad that she will be able to be here. Stay tuned for more updates in the next few days...

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