Baby Katherine was 7lb 12oz and 20.5 inches when she was born last night. We got to hold her for a little bit before they took her to the NICU. She was so precious! She scored 9 out of 10 on her APGAR rating and the Doctor said she did very well over night. She's been given the medicine that she will she need before the first surgery, which will take place sometime in the next week. Michael was able to visit her once last night after she went to the NICU and a few times today. He took me down to visit her this evening after the doctor cleared me to go. Thank you for all of your prayers and words of encouragement and continue to keep praying for her.
We love her already!!!! She is just perfect!! Keep the good news coming! Praying for all three of you! You are doing fantastic!
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful! Our hearts rejoice with you!! Prayers will continue. Thank you for sharing your precious baby girl with us. You are treasured by us!!
ReplyDeleteLove & prayers,
Tammy & Carl Robinson
She is precious! Congratulations Kristan and Vic. Jonathan and I are praying for all 3 of you.