We had a work day last Friday (1/13) and were off Monday for MLK Day so I tried to work some of my appointments in those days. Needless to say, last weekend was busy! My mom-in-law went with me to my Friday appointments so we were able to have some girl time in between as well. We saw the cardiologist, Dr. Bensky, at 10am and he said things were progressing well. He still doesn't see any new surprises and the parts of the heart that are there are growing, so that is good. The next time we see him or one of the cardiologists he works with will be after little Katherine is born.
We then went and had lunch, explored the hospital, and still arrived early for our 2pm appointment at the OB. They did an NST to make sure the heart function still sounded good, and it did. She had good accelerations on the monitor.
Saturday we had another childbirthing class. This was the main one and was long, but informative. We now have breathing techniques and laboring positions to practice to help get ready for birth. Yikes - I'm both scared and excited that its starting to get so close. The weeks seem to be flying by now. I am now 34 weeks with another five to go before they induce on February 27th.
Sunday was Katherine's first party! She had a baby shower at church and I got to show off her ultrasound pics to all the ladies. Still in the womb and already showing off for the camera! She received many useful gifts and clothes. I enjoyed getting to organize everything into her room. I can't wait til she is well enough to come home and try some of them on.
Monday morning I got up bright and early to drive back up for an appointment with the maternal fetal specialist. She didn't do a regular growth checkup, since she had seen us the week before. Instead she examined the ultrasound testing for movement, etc. I forget what the name of the test is called but she said Katherine scored 8 out of 8, so way to go girl! She also said that the membrane that was so worrisome before Christmas is still gone. She seemed very happy overall with little Katherine, which of course made me happy as well.
Phew, that was a busy weekend! We are taking it a little easier this weekend so it will be a good time to catch up on relaxation time. We are also looking forward to having lunch next weekend with our special heart friends. I am glad that we decided to get together once a month as families and look forward to the time when Katherine is big enough to play with Trent and Murphy! In the meantime though, we will take each day as the blessing it is and enjoy our little one while I still get to carry her around with me everywhere in my belly.
mom-in-law sure was glad to get to go to dr visits with baby katherine and mommie kristan. little katherine's heart beat was so soothing and calming.